
March 2022

Lisa Charlton

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Lisa Charlton on the 5th March 2022.  Lisa was the Chair and valued member of NVS for many years.  As a mark of respect, we will be closing the office on Monday 21st March 2022 to enable people to attend her funeral at West Road crematorium, Newcastle upon Tyne at 12.45pm.  Lisa was an amazing inspiring person who will be missed by all.

February 2022

Winter Newsletter 2022

To view the Winter Newsletter 2022, please click on the following link to download the document:

Winter Newsletter 2022

Northern Power Grid – Priority Services Membership

Northern Power Grid have launched a Priority Services Membership. Becoming a member will give you access to a freephone telephone number that enables you to speak to the Priority Services team 24/7 and ask them anything regarding your power supply. You will also receive a phone call to check that you’re ok as well as regular updates if there is a power cut. Practical support is also available to you during power cuts. This includes hot drinks, snacks, phone charging facilities and transport to a safe place if required. All services are free and confidential.

For more information or to join Northern Power Grid’s Priority Services Membership call 0800 169 2996 or visit

The following is link to a youtube video about the Priority Services Membership

December 2021

Office closed for Christmas 2021

The office will be closed from this Friday 24th – Tuesday 28th December. We will be available to answer your calls and queries on the 29th, 30th and 31st December, and we will officially be back in the office on 4th January 2022!!

Merry Christmas to all of our lovely service users and we hope you have a Happy New Year 😊

November 2021

Autumn Newsletter 2021

To view the Autumn Newsletter 2021, please click on the following link to download the document:

Autumn Newsletter 2021

July 2021

Summer Newsletter 2021

To view the Summer Newsletter 2021, please click on the following link to download the document:

Summer Newsletter 2021

July 2021


Debbie Burns, one of our service users is fundraising for Newcastle Vision Support. She has recently completed the Great North 10K with incredible results. She will also be participating in the Great North Run in September.

To read more about why Debbie is raising money for us or to donate, please visit the following link

March 2021

Free Amazon Echo Dot (Alexa device)

Northumberland County Blind Association are providing a free Amazon Echo Dot for anyone who is visually impaired and already has WIFI.

If you are interested in receiving a free device or know of anyone who may be interested then please contact us on 0191 232 7292 or email for further information. Please get in touch with us before the end of March as devices will not be available after this time.

March 2021

Free Tablets and Wi-Fi for over 50s

Do you know someone who would like to get online, but doesn’t quite know where to begin? Elders Council has received funding from the Postcode Community Trust to provide tablets and WiFi to people aged 50+ living in Newcastle. Working with their partners Mental Health Concern and Your Homes Newcastle, they are able to provide a device, WiFi and a Tech Buddy to help people to get started. To find out more contact Elders council on 0191 208 2701 or leave a message and telephone number, or email

Elders Council

Mental Health Concern

February 2021

World Glaucoma Week (March 7th – 13th 2021)

Glaucoma UK will be providing a programme of digital glaucoma support groups and other activities that will take place during World Glaucoma Week (WGW) this March. More details can be found below.

A new page on their website about glaucoma self-care

A new podcast will be launching on their Facebook page

The following is a list of support groups taking place during WGM week. You must register to join the online webinars. If you do not have access to the internet, there is further details available on the links to dial in by telephone.

8th March (3pm) – My experience of glaucoma surgery

2 patients who have had glaucoma surgery (a trabeculectomy and a shunt) will talk about their experience and answer questions. Link to register

9th March (1:30pm) – My experience of taking part in glaucoma research

Mark Wagstaff who took part in glaucoma research into visual field monitoring. Link to register

11th March (7pm) – Who can help with my glaucoma: What support is available between appointments?

Glaucoma UK will be joined by 2 Eye Clinic Liaison Officers (ECLO’s). As well as glaucoma specific support, they will be discussing vision loss and the many services available to support you if this occurs. Link to register

12th March (6pm) – Glaucoma self-care; how I look after my eyes

A former Glaucoma UK trustee will talk about his life with glaucoma for over 30 years, including learning how to be a pilot! Then he’ll open the floor to you to share your hints, tips and frustrations of living with glaucoma. Link to register

19th March (3pm) – Glaucoma and Eye Drops

Angela James, Ophthalmic Pharmacist with NHS Lothian will talk all things eye drops! Great presentation for anyone struggling with drops or needs advice. Link to register

Into the spring, Glaucoma UK will continue with talks on looking after your eyes during Ramadan, SLT and Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma. To keep up to date on all their talks and services, keep an eye on their website