
July 2024

Charity Quiz Night

We are holding a Charity Quiz Night on Saturday 27th July at St. James’s United Reformed Church from 7.00pm until 9.00pm.

Tickets are on sale from our office for £10.00 per person. As well as our fantastic quiz we will also be holding a raffle and providing a buffet.

If you would like to attend please call the office on 0191 232 7292 and speak to a member of the team. Please note if you are attending no alcohol will be available to purchase on site. However, everyone is more than welcome to bring their own booze!

The full address for the Charity Night is – St. James’s United Reformed Church, Northumberland Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8JF.

April 2024

The Walking Group Visit The Discovery Museum

This week our walking group went on a guided tour of the Discovery Museum.

The group had a lovely morning out and were provided with lots of information by a dedicated tour guide! Our walking group runs fortnightly on a Thursday morning, the next meeting will be Thursday 2nd May. If you are interested please call the office on 0191 232 7292 and speak to Joanne.

Below are a some photographs of the group on their tour of the Discovery Museum.

A group of 8 people stood smiling for the camera in front of a large brown wooden door
A group of 8 people stood smiling for the camera in front of a large brown wooden door.

March 2024

Our Latest Newsletter

Please click on the following link to read our Winter 2024 Newsletter.

Our newsletter is available in 4 accessible formats including:

  • large print
  • audio cd
  • email
  • braille

If you would like to receive the newsletter in a one of these formats please call the office on 0191 232 7292.

February 2024

Social Group Change

As of February 2024 We have decided to merge our Mac and CU Wednesday groups. There will be one group known as the CU Wednesday group and it will run on the third Wednesday of each month.

If you were on the mailing list for either of these groups you will still continue to receive your monthly invite letter.

Subsidised taxis are still available for £6.00 per journey.

January 2024

Office Move

Happy New Year from everyone here at Newcastle Vision Support! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

Our telephone lines are back open this week but we are in the process of moving into our new office!

Our new address is:
Newcastle Vision Support
Suite 1, 6th Floor West A
Hadrian House
Higham Place
Newcastle upon Tyne

Our telephone number (0191 232 7292) and email address ( remain the same.

We are currently in the process of unpacking all of the boxes and getting set up. Therefore, we have temporarily put our groups and some of our services on hold whilst we move and we get settled into our new premises.

We are all working hard to get all of our services back up and running ASAP and will update everyone once we have dates for our groups throughout 2024.

Please bear with us at this busy time and as always thank you for your continued support. We can’t wait to see everyone again soon!

October 2023

Christmas Lunch

Our annual Christmas lunch will take place on Thursday 7th December 2023 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Newcastle.

The lunch is priced at £17.00 for members and £30.00 for non members/additional guests. The price includes a 3 course lunch, after lunch refreshments and live entertainment.

If you would like to attend our Christmas lunch please contact the office on 0191 232 7292 to request a form.

*please note that we are unable to provide subsided transport for this event*

August 2023

New Member of Staff

We are delighted to share with everyone that we have employed Joanne Harbottle as our new Activities Coordinator.

Joanne is responsible for the coordination of all of our groups as well as looking after our current volunteers and recruiting new volunteers.

We all wish her the best of luck for her time here at Newcastle Vision Support.

August 2023

Great North Run 2023

A one of our Board members, Dave Deas, is participating in the Great North Run on Sunday 10th September. He is running to raise funds for Newcastle Vision Support.

If you would like to read more about Dave’s story or to donate please follow the link below –

August 2023

The Sale of MEA House

As of June 2023 MEA House has been sold to Northumbria University.

Therefore, Newcastle Vision Support is currently on the hunt for a new premises. At present we will continue to run all of our services as normal.

There may be some disruption in the near future when it comes to packing up the office and moving into a new premises. Despite this we would like to reassure all of our service users that they do not need to worry – the charity and its services are going nowhere, we are simply just relocating.

This is a fresh new start for everyone here at Newcastle Vision Support, so its onward and upwards from here. However, as always, if you do have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.

July 2023

Staff Change

Our Activity Coordinator, Beth Stead sadly left the role in June 2023.

Beth has took on an exciting new opportunity elsewhere and has secured her dream job. Beth was a great addition to the team here at NVS. She will be a miss in the office and we know many of our service users will also miss her.

We wish Beth all the best for the future and we are sure she will be brilliant in her new role!