June 2020

Telephone enquiries – office hours

For anyone requiring support or have an enquiry, please call 0191 2327292. Unfortunately staff members will only be available to take phone calls for the following times:

  • Tuesday 11am – 3pm
  • Thursday 11am – 3pm

All other days or times you can either leave a message on our answer machine and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible or you can continue to ring the following mobile numbers we have already provided:

  • Sue 07958171431
  • Jude 07958171424
  • Jacqui 07506720593

Take care and stay safe.

Cancellation of the Newcastle Vision Support (NVS) 2020 Annual General Meeting

Due to the Coronavirus the Board of Trustees of NVS have voted to cancel the 2020 AGM which was scheduled to take place in July.

Further details can be found on the letter which all our service users should have received by post. If you have not received a letter and would like a copy then please contact the office on 0191 232 7292. Due to the current situation staff will only be in the office on Tuesday and Thursday 11am – 3pm for telephone enquiries.

Message from Sue, CEO

I hope you are all staying safe during these challenging times.

As you know staff have been working from home, ringing members for regular chats and when possible helping with queries. They have all done a great job and on behalf of you all I would like to thank them all for their dedication and commitment to helping others.

We are now starting to move towards working from the office in line with social distancing. We will not all be in together so we will continue to work from home on the days we are not in the office.

I know many of you are wanting to get back to groups etc and are missing the social aspects which, under normal circumstances we provide. We are following Government guidelines so unfortunately we can not start up the groups at the moment, but we are looking at alternative methods to enable you to meet up virtually.

Moving forward there will be staff in the office on a Tuesday and Thursday for any queries you may have, regrettably there will be no home visits until further notice.

Take care and stay safe everyone, we are still here to support you.

Thanks Sue